Award ceremonies


Looking to get a balance by rewarding excellence while inspiring the entire audience? We combine creative flair with solid project management that’s needed to organise an outstanding awards ceremony.

How to Organise an Awards Ceremony

A comprehensive and informative guide with prompts on all the components parts that go in to making an stand out and inspirational awards ceremony…

Award ceremony organisers


Award ceremony organisation tailored to match your needs. Here’s what we can offer you.


Our awards organisation will define objectives, understand your audience and co-ordinate stakeholders, such as entrants, judges, guests and sponsors. A planning schedule will be devised, alongside reports to reassure you all is as it should be.


The marketing of awards is key to encourage entries and attendance, it is also needed to build excitement and anticipation. Communication with the entrants and the judges is also vital. A strategy will be agreed to manage how this is implemented from the outset.


A logical system will provide a step by step guide for applicants, so they have a clear understanding of the categories, criteria of selection and what is needed for their submissions. Follow ups may also be needed to remind on deadlines.


Voting can be online or via a panel, using an agreed marking scheme. Once entries are received, judges are notified and their feedback collated to produce a shortlist and winners. This can be online and if appropriate entrants identities withheld for impartiality.


Networking with peers is a key part in an awards event’s success. Guest lists can be made available to enable advance planning. Tables/tickets offering a variety of enhancements can be sold, incorporating branding for those who wish to be especially visible.


Correctly pitched Awards will attract sponsors wishing to be associated with its success and being seen to reward excellence. Their visibility needs to be balanced with that of the awards and their package features need to be delivered in the lead up and at the event.


Financial control involves agreeing and monitoring a budget forecast. Payments for award entrees can be taken along with that of ticket sales and sponsorship. These can be invoiced or paid directly online. Multiple currencies can be handled, as well as credit control.


Our awards software enables online voting, applications and judging that is accessible to all parties that are involved with the planning. It will also flag up incomplete entries, which need to be chased up, as well as producing reports, results and average scores.


Anticipation needs to be built up for the live show at your ceremony. Stage sets, lighting, music and scripting need to be managed. A compere can make or break the show, as can entertainment. To reach a wider audience the ceremony can be filmed and streamed.


A multifunctional awards website will promote ticket sales, sponsorship opportunities and online voting / entries (including the facility to upload documents). It will also show shortlists, sponsor credits, guest information and be updated post event with the award winners.


The Awards identity covers pre award collateral and web pages through to its presence at the ceremony on stage and screen, plus the trophies, programmes, tickets and signage. This needs to be devised and managed, with copy written and checked throughly.


Our guest management team will ensure guests are invited on time, well informed and warmly welcomed when they arrive. We handle pre and post event guest management, answering enquires and building up the excitement for the event.

Team Building

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